Terms Of Service:

At JackGames Development, we want to make sure that our Discord Bots are enjoyable for all. Therefore, we set out some rules and "Terms of Service" for using our bot. If you disagree with any of the terms, then we recommend you stop using the bot in your server.

This list is not exhaustive, use common sense when using the bot. If an action appears to not be in the best interests of the bot, yet is not on this list, it can still be deemed to be damaging to the bot, and may result in action being taken (such as having access to the bot blocked in your server/by you).

If you have any questions, or want to report a possible violation of our Terms of Service, then please open a ticket via our Support Server - https://discord.gg/2vftFzNAkW - or email jack@jackgames.net

If you need help with anything, ask in our support server! https://discord.gg/2vftFzNAkW